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Microbial Metagenomics


Our metagenomics platform aims to study novel genes, microbial pathway, microbial diversity, evolution, functional annotations, and correlation analysis by utilizing the next/third generation sequencing technology. Our scientists utilize this platform to obtain fast, accurate, and cost-effective results.

Our Advantages:
  • High Depth of Coverage: We provide sequencing with high coverage, enabling detailed species identification and functional gene analysis.
  • Integrated Functional Analysis: Our services include not just taxonomic profiling but also functional annotation, allowing you to explore metabolic pathways and interactions.
  • Diverse Sample Compatibility: We accept a wide range of sample types, including soil, water, and biological tissues, catering to various research fields.
  • User-Friendly Data Reports: Results are delivered in clear, actionable formats, making it easy for researchers to interpret and utilize the data in their studies.

What is the Microbial Metagenome

The microbial metagenome represents the complete set of genetic material found in a particular environment, including a variety of microorganisms like bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses. Unlike traditional microbiology, which often relies on isolating and culturing individual species, metagenomics utilizes cutting-edge next-generation sequencing (NGS) to analyze DNA extracted directly from environmental samples. This method opens the door for researchers to investigate the complex web of interactions within microbial communities, shedding light on their diversity, functional roles, and contributions to ecosystem dynamics. By mapping out the metagenome, scientists can uncover how these microorganisms influence crucial processes such as nutrient cycling, disease mechanisms, and overall ecosystem health.

Why Perform Microbial Metagenomics

Conducting microbial metagenomics is vital because it allows scientists to sequence DNA from environmental samples directly, bypassing the tedious and often incomplete work of isolating individual strains. Traditional methods, such as 16S rRNA gene sequencing, provide only a limited view of the functional potential within microbial communities. In contrast, metagenomics captures a wider array of genetic information, offering a richer understanding of microbial diversity and their metabolic functions. This information plays a crucial role in various fields, from environmental monitoring to advancements in human health and biotechnology, facilitating improvements in diagnostics, therapeutic approaches, and bioremediation techniques.

What is the Difference Between Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics

Microbial genomics is primarily concerned with the genetic material of individual microbial species, often requiring the isolation of pure cultures for detailed genome sequencing. On the other hand, metagenomics examines the combined genomic content of entire microbial communities without needing to isolate specific organisms. While microbial genomics provides in-depth insights into the genetics and functions of particular species, metagenomics reveals the intricate relationships and interactions among diverse microorganisms in their natural environments. This distinction is important; metagenomics not only identifies which organisms are present but also explores their functional capabilities, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of microbial ecology.

Service Specifications

Introduction to Our Microbial Metagenomics PlatformOur Services

At CD Genomics, we pride ourselves on our advanced microbial metagenomics platform, which leverages cutting-edge NGS and long-read sequencing technologies, including PacBio SMRT and Oxford Nanopore. Our platform is designed to provide in-depth and accurate analyses of complex microbial communities, overcoming many limitations of traditional sequencing methods. NGS enhances base coverage and accuracy through continually updated reagents and algorithms, while PacBio SMRT and Nanopore technologies generate long, precise reads, addressing challenges related to repetitive DNA sequences and assembly issues. With our robust metagenomics analysis capabilities, we offer a range of services that facilitate comprehensive studies of microbial ecosystems without the need for cultivation.

Our services include:

  • Viral Metagenomics: This service focuses on identifying and characterizing viral communities in various samples, providing insights into viral diversity and potential interactions within microbiomes.
  • Metagenomic Shotgun Sequencing: This comprehensive approach captures the entire genetic content of microbial communities, enabling researchers to explore the functional potential and diversity of microorganisms in their natural environments.
  • Shallow Shotgun Metagenome Sequencing: Ideal for preliminary analyses, this service allows for quick assessments of microbial diversity and functional potential, paving the way for more in-depth studies.
  • Metagenomics Hi-C /3C Service: This specialized service investigates the spatial organization of microbial genomes, revealing insights into interactions and structural dynamics within complex communities.

Our platform supports a wide range of applications, including microbial community analysis, genetic diversity assessment, disease research, and biotechnological and pharmaceutical developments. By investigating samples from soil, feces, the gut, oral cavity, skin, and other environments, we unveil the adaptive mechanisms of microorganisms under various environmental stresses and explore their interactions, making our platform an invaluable resource for researchers across multiple disciplines.

Microbial Metagenomics Workflow

The Workflow of Microbial Metagenomics.

Technical Parameters

  • Illumina NovaSeq, HiSeq, MiSeq; Read Length: PE250; Data Volume: >1G clean data
  • PacBio SMRT, Library Type: 2 K; Data Volume: Approximately 3,000 to 40,000 CCS reads per sample; Number of SMRT Cells: 1-2 per sample
  • Oxford Nanopore, Read Length: Up to several megabases; Data Volume: Variable, can exceed 20 Gb per flow cell

Bioinformatics Analysis

Analysis content Details
Data QC Removal of low-quality sequences and adapter sequences
Microbial diversity analysis Sequence alignment, species determination, microbial diversity analysis (α and β diversity analysis, meta-analysis)
Function annotations KEGG, eggNOG
CAZy Prediction of genes coding for carbohydrate-active enzyme and correlation analysis
CARD Prediction of resistance genes and correlation analysis
CAG (co-abundance genes)/MLG (linkage groups) analysis Study the association between disease and microbial strains
CAG, co-abundance genes group
MLG, metagenomic linkage groups
CNV Correlation analysis between microbial copy number variation (CNV) and disease

Note: The above content includes only a portion of the bioinformatics analysis. For more information or to customize the analysis, please contact us directly.

Bioinformatics Analysis Pipeline of Microbial Metagenomics.

Sample Requirement

Service Sample Type Recommended Quantity Minimum Quantity Concentration
Viral Genome Sequencing Genomic DNA ≥ 1 µg 500 ng 20 ng/µL
Metagenome Sequencing Metagenome DNA ≥ 500 ng 20 ng 5 ng/µL
Shallow Shotgun Metagenome Sequencing Metagenome DNA ≥ 100 ng 20 ng 5 ng/µL
Metagenomics Hi-C/3C Service Genomic DNA ≥ 1 µg 500 ng 20 ng/µL
Long-Read Metagenomic Sequencing Genomic DNA ≥ 2 µg
Tissue 2 g
Interstitial Fluid 6-10 mL, sediment 2g
Environmental Samples 6 g
Water filter membrane 6

Note: If you wish to obtain more accurate and detailed information regarding sample requirements, please feel free to contact us directly.


  • Sequence Quality Control and Host Removal Information
  • Overall Species Annotation and Evaluation Related Information
  • Common Functional Database Annotation Related Information
  • Resistance Gene Annotation Related Information
  • Chart Folder for This Report
  • Delivery results may vary depending on the specific project. For more details, please feel free to contact us.

Microbial Metagenomics FAQ



Partial results of our microbial metagenomics service are shown below:

Bar chart depicting the distribution of species.Species Distribution Bar Chart

Heatmap visualization.Heatmap

Venn diagram representing the data.Venn Diagram

Bar chart of LEfSe analysis demonstrating LDA scores.LEfSe Analysis LDA Bar Chart

Bar chart showing the composition of enzyme activity gene sources by species.Enzyme Activity Gene Species Source Composition Bar Chart

Circos plot illustrating the distribution of Gene Ontology in various samples.Gene Ontology Distribution Circos Plot in Various Samples

Customer Case

Customer Case

Customer Case

Hydrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria Are Abundant in Desert Soils and Strongly Stimulated by Hydration
Journal: Msystems
Impact factor: 6.496
Published: 2020

Find out more


Desert soils harbor diverse bacterial communities whose mechanisms for maintaining energy and carbon needs are widely debated. Traditionally, it is believed that bacteria in these environments rely on organic carbon synthesized by photoautotrophs after transient hydration events. However, recent studies, particularly focusing on Antarctic desert soils, have highlighted that certain bacteria can utilize atmospheric trace gases like hydrogen (H₂) to conserve energy and fix carbon independently of photosynthesis.

Materials & Methods

Sample preparation:

  • Desert soil samples
  • Hydration-desiccation cycle
  • DNA extraction
  • RNA extraction


Data Analysis

  • Functional genes identification
  • Beta diversity measures
  • Community composition testing
  • Differential abundance analysis


1. Hydrogenase-encoding sequences were abundant in the metagenomes and metatranscriptomes, indicating active hydrogen metabolism.

2. These sequences were particularly found in actinobacterial, acidobacterial, and cyanobacterial metagenome-assembled genomes.

FIG 1 Alterations in phylum-level community composition of the Australian desert soil microcosms during hydration and desiccation. (Jordaan et al., 2020)FIG 1 Changes in phylum-level community composition of the Australian desert soil microcosms during hydration and desiccation.

FIG 2 Levels, expression, and distribution of metabolic marker genes in the Australian desert soil microcosms. (Jordaan et al., 2020)FIG 2 Abundance, expression, and distribution of metabolic marker genes in the Australian desert soil microcosms.

3. Dry soil samples exhibited native H₂ oxidation activity, which increased by 950-fold following wetting.

4. Oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs were indeed present but in lower abundances compared to hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria.

5. Hydration significantly boosted the H₂ oxidation rates, demonstrating that hydration events can strongly stimulate the activity of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria in desert soils.


This study finds that hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria are abundant in desert soils and respond strongly to hydration. These bacteria utilize atmospheric hydrogen for energy and carbon, highlighting their role in biogeochemical cycles and providing an alternative to organic carbon-dependent processes. This research enhances our understanding of bacterial survival strategies in extreme environments and the ecological importance of hydrogen metabolism in desert ecosystems.


  1. Jordaan K, Lappan R, Dong X, et al. Hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria are abundant in desert soils and strongly stimulated by hydration. Msystems, 2020, 5(6): 10.1128/msystems. 01131-20.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures or other clinical purposes.

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