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Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing


Our bacterial whole genome de novo sequencing platform leverages the power of high-throughput sequencing technology to generate accurate draft or complete genomes for microbial identification and comparative genomic studies. We provide reliable sequencing approaches and confidential bioinformatics analysis to help you gain an insight into functional elements, functional genes, and phylogeny.

Our Advantages:
  • Expert Design: Offering scientifically rigorous design with multi-platform solutions to ensure high-quality bacterial genome sequencing tailored to diverse research needs.
  • Rapid Turnaround: Utilizing advanced sequencing platforms for quick data acquisition and analysis, ensuring efficient project delivery.
  • Accurate Assembly: Enhancing genome assembly accuracy through multiple rounds of correction, ensuring precise and reliable results.
  • Comprehensive Strain Identification: Providing free strain identification to prevent misidentification and ensure data reliability.
  • Extensive Experience: Drawing from numerous successfully completed bacterial genome sequencing projects to guarantee high-quality technical and service standards.
  • Detailed Service: Offering meticulous attention to detail, including adjustments of starting points and accurate translation of start codons, to achieve customer satisfaction.

What is Bacterial Whole-Genome De Novo Sequencing

With the significant reduction in sequencing costs and the exponential improvement in sequencing efficiency, whole-genome sequencing has substantially propelled research in microbial single-genome genomics. Utilizing whole-genome sequences, it is possible to construct comprehensive genome databases for various species. This serves as an efficient platform for subsequent research into critical questions related to the growth, development, evolution, and origin of the species. Furthermore, these sequences provide essential DNA information for future gene mining and functional validation.

Bacterial genome sequencing can be categorized into de novo sequencing and resequencing. Bacterial whole genome de novo sequencing refers to sequencing a species' genome for which the sequence is unknown or lacks closely related genomic information. This process involves constructing genomic libraries with different insert fragment lengths, followed by sequencing and subsequent assembly using bioinformatics methods. The end result is the acquisition of a complete bacterial genomic sequence map, including predictions of gene functions and annotations.

Applications of Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing

  • Gene function research
  • Evolutionary analysis
  • Pathogen identification and mechanism study
  • Antibiotic, vaccine, and drug development
  • Comprehensive genomic and plasmid mapping
  • Pathogenic gene discovery for health, agriculture, and biocontrol
  • Functional gene analysis in industrial strains for fermentation and production
  • Exploration of evolutionary mechanisms and drug efficacy
Service Specifications

Introduction to Our Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing Services

CD Genomics offers comprehensive bacterial whole genome de novo sequencing using a combination of third-generation PacBio SMRT and nanopore sequencing platforms, alongside second-generation Illumina HiSeq technology. This strategy ensures accurate and complete genome assembly by leveraging long reads from PacBio SMRT for complex regions and high-throughput Illumina sequencing for detailed coverage. Our advanced sequencing workflow provides seamless assembly of bacterial genomes, including plasmid information, without gaps or ambiguous bases, addressing challenges in repetitive and high-GC regions. This approach combines automation with cutting-edge technology to deliver reliable and high-quality genomic data.

Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing Workflow

The Workflow of Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing.

Technical Parameters

  • PacBio, 10Kb SMRT bell library, 100-150X
  • Nanopore platform
  • Illumina HiSeq PE150, 350bp small fragment library, 100-200X

Note: The above content includes only a portion of the bioinformatics analysis. For more information or to customize the analysis, please contact us directly.

Bioinformatics Analysis

Our bioinformatics analysis involves five parts: data quality control, de novo assembly, genome assessment, functional annotations, and comparative genomic studies. For more details, please refer to the following table.

Table 1. Our bioinformatics analysis for microbial whole genome de novo sequencing.

Analysis content Details
Data QC Removal of low-quality reads and adapter sequences
De novo assembly Utilize software such as SOAPdenovo and SOAPdenovo2 to assemble reference-quality complete bacterial/fungal genomes.
Genome assessment Detection of repetitive sequence, non-coding RNA, CRISPR, prophage, and genomic island.
Functional annotations KEGG, SwissProt, GO, Nr, COG (for general functional annotations)
PHI (database of pathogen-host interaction)
VFDB (database of virulence factors of bacterial pathogens)
ARDB (database of antibiotic resistance)
CAZy (database of Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes)
And other databases...
Comparative genomic studies Detection of variants, conserved genes, and unique genes Construction of phylogenetic trees Gene family studies

The Bioinformatics Analysis pipeline of Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing.

Sample Requirement

  • 1.8 < OD260/280 < 2.0, no degradation or contamination.
  • Bacterial Draft Genome: Total DNA ≥ 500 ng, concentration ≥ 10 ng/μL
  • Bacterial Complete Genome: Total DNA ≥ 20 μg, concentration ≥ 100 ng/μL

Note: If you wish to obtain more accurate and detailed information regarding sample requirements, please feel free to contact us directly.


  • Raw sequencing data (FASTQ)
  • Trimmed and stitched sequences(FASTA)
  • Quality-control dashboard
  • Statistic data
  • Your designated bioinformatics result report


Partial results of our bacterial whole genome de novo sequencing service are shown below:

The Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing Results Display.


Bacterial Whole Genome De Novo Sequencing FAQ

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further inquiries or require additional information.

Case Study

Case Study

Customer Case

Integrated Comparative Genomic Analysis and Phenotypic Profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates From Crude Oil
Journal: Frontiers in Microbiology
Impact factor: 4.235
Published: 31 March 2020

Find out more


Pseudomonas bacteria can survive in harsh environments like crude oil by producing enzymes and rhamnolipids (RLs) that help degrade alkanes. This study compared three such strains, finding they have flexible genomes and high levels of alkane-degrading enzymes, making them suitable for bioremediation and oil recovery.


Sample preparation:

  • P. aeruginosa strains
  • DNA extraction


Data Analysis:

  • Genome assembly
  • Annotation
  • Phylogenetic analysis
  • Comparative genome analysis


IMP66, IMP67, and IMP68 were isolated from crude oil, and their complete genomes were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis using ten housekeeping genes confirmed that IMP67 and IMP68 are P. aeruginosa, while IMP66 was also identified as P. aeruginosa. A maximum likelihood tree of 54 Pseudomonas strains and core genome analysis of 90 P. aeruginosa isolates revealed that all three strains clustered together in the same group, indicating they are closely related within the P. aeruginosa species.

Figure 1. Phylogenetic analysis of the P. aeruginosa population structure. (Xu et al., 2020)Figure 1. Phylogeny of P. aeruginosa population structure.

IMP66, IMP67, and IMP68 have similar genome sizes and GC content, with about 6,100 coding sequences (CDSs) each, which is higher than the well-studied PAO1 strain. Compared to PAO1, most crude oil isolates have larger genomes, potentially aiding their survival. Comparative analysis revealed 592 unique genes in IMP66, IMP67, and IMP68, mostly related to mobile genetic elements and gene functions such as transcription and cell wall biogenesis. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) appears common in these strains, with conserved regions indicating potential gene acquisition and adaptation advantages, including features linked to alkane degradation.

Figure 2. Comparative genomic analysis of IMP66, IMP67, IMP68, and PAO1. (Xu et al., 2020)Figure 2. Whole genome comparison of IMP66, IMP67, IMP68, and PAO1.


P. aeruginosa strains IMP66, IMP67, and IMP68, isolated from crude oil, are highly adaptable, excelling in alkane degradation and rhamnolipid production. They have numerous alkane hydroxylase genes and show signs of horizontal gene transfer, enhancing their survival. Their efficient QS signaling helps balance rhamnolipid production. These traits make them promising for bioremediation and industrial applications, with their CRISPR-Cas system offering potential for genetic engineering.


  1. Xu A, Wang D, Ding Y, et al. Integrated comparative genomic analysis and phenotypic profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from crude oil. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11:519.
* For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures or other clinical purposes.

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