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Monthly Archives: March 2024

Fact Sheet: Illumina Complete Long-Read Sequencing

In the realm of modern biology, unlocking the complexities of genomes has been significantly propelled by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Among these, the sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS) chemistry, in tandem with the esteemed DRAGEN Bio-IT platform, stands out for its unparalleled accuracy in delivering whole genome sequencing (WGS) data. However, the quest for understanding the entirety of […]

Fact Sheet: Illumina NextSeq Sequencing Systems

The NextSeq Sequencing Systems from Illumina is a powerful and versatile system for high-throughput sequencing applications. It’s designed to deliver rapid and accurate results across various sequencing workflows, making it a popular choice for research, clinical, and applied genomics projects. This series is available in a variety of models Illumina NextSeq500, NextSeq550, NextSeq1000 and NextSeq […]