
Microbial Fingerprints Research

The progress of using microbes to treat human diseases - Bacterial Macromolecules as Therapeutic Targets

The human gastrointestinal tract is colonized by a dense population of microbes that outnumber host cells 10-fold, and outnumber host genes more than 100-fold, the gigantic microbial communities we host can identify us as individuals much like a fingerprint – research shows at least half of these genes appear to be unique to each individual. Commensal microbes in the gastrointestinal tract engage in all kinds of physiological processes including maintaining homeostasis and pathogenesis through direct interactions or through secreted molecules that gain access to the systemic circulation. Interpreting the microbial fingerprints will magnificently facilitate the disease and health studies, and the development of precise treatment method for specific cases.

Microbial fingerprinting technologies are used to provide an overall view of the microbial community, indications of microbial diversity, and insight into the types of metabolic processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. The research focused on mapping the structure of the microbiota could help to determine microbiota composition and whether and how the presence of a given species might link to pathogenesis, while deeper research looking at the gut microbiota metagenome would show that the understanding of how and whether individual microbial genes affect disease risk is even more significant. Profiling the unique genes that make up an individual’s microbiome could act as a form of microbial fingerprinting that provides valuable clues for pathological investigation and precise therapeutic schemes.

CD Genomics is a preeminent corporation that specializes in multi-omics. Equipped with advanced technology and services provided by experienced scientists, we have a wealth of experience to assist you in microbial fingerprint research, which can help you make decisive breakthroughs.

We provide one-stop solutions for the gut microbiota fingerprints profiling, which cover the entire workflow including sample preparation, library construction, sequencing and/or gene arrays, and data analysis and interpretation.

CD Genomics dedicates to providing the highest level of solutions in gut microbiota research. We will offer the most suitable strategies according to your sample and research purpose. Our specialty covers the full range of multi-omics including metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics, and metabolomics, coupled with powerful bioinformatics platforms, and other practical tools and resources, we provide the most comprehensive gut microbiota research solutions you will ever get. To find out more solutions for gut microbiota fingerprints research, please feel free to contact us.

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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