
Gut Bacteria 16S Sequencing Service

An intricate and diverse community of microorganisms, the gut microbiota, which exhibit a notable effect on the host during homeostasis and disease, are housed in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Various factors lead to the creation during the childhood of the human gut microbiota. Diet is regarded to be one of the primary drivers of lifetime molding of the gut microbiota. In the maintenance of immune and metabolic homeostasis and protection against pathogens, intestinal bacteria perform an important part. The pathogenesis of many inflammatory diseases and infections has been linked with modified gut bacterial structure (dysbiosis). The analysis of this research is based on a greater comprehension of inter-individual variants, bacterial populations' heterogeneity along and across the GI tract, functional redundancy, and the need to differentiate between cause and effect in dysbiosis states.

Bacterial 16S Amplicon Sequencing

The 16s rRNA gene, an extremely preserved element, is the most utilized gene marker in bacteria and archaea for genus and species classification and taxonomic importance. For hypervariable areas, the approximated substitution rate is roughly 7000 times greater than for highly conserved areas, which includes abundant taxonomic data based on these genetic distinctions. To ascertain taxonomic classifications relying on bioinformatics configurations, the 16S gene amplicons acquired from PCR can thus be employed.

16S rRNA gene sequencing aims a type of amplicon sequencing and reads an area of the 16S rRNA gene located in all bacteria and archaea, meaning only these kinds of microorganisms can be identified by this method of sequencing. 16S rRNA sequencing output offers sequencing 'reads' (DNA sequence strings) that can be analyzed using an amount of basic bioinformatic stages that can be combined known as "pipelines". To 'clean' the information that can then be connected to microbial genomic datasets in order to correctly classify and profile the bacteria (and archaea) present in the samples, these bioinformatic pipelines eliminate sequencing errors or questionable readings.

About Our Service

CD Genomics provides a profile of multi-omics solutions as one of the largest suppliers of NGS offerings. 16S/18S/ITS amplicon sequencing is categorized by cost-efficiency, high speed, and practicality. In order to assist you to define and evaluate the microbial community, we provide comprehensive 16S amplicon sequencing service for gut bacteria.

Our Advantages:

- 16S ribosomal RNA NGS offers a cost-effective technique for identifying strains that cannot be discovered using conventional ways
- Culture-free process that helps the entire microbial population to be analyzed within a specimen
- NGS gives the capacity to integrate multiple specimens in a sequencing run
- High sensitivity and accuracy
- Affordable price and professional team

Workflow and Bioinformatics Analysis

Workflow and Bioinformatics Analysis
Bioinformatics AnalysisDetails
Tags AssemblyFor the reconstruction of the original sequence, aligning and integrating fragments from a lengthier DNA sequence
OTUs ClusteringBacterial Taxa Approximation
Species AnnotationClassifying functional components along a genome sequence
Species Profiling HistogramAssess in a specimen with regard to the species and their abundance.
Phylogenetic TreeDisplay evolutionary interactions between different biological species or other entities based on commonalities and distinctions in their genetic features
Alpha DiversityMean species variety at a local scale in sites or ecosystems
Beta DiversityPercentage between the variability of regional and local organisms

CD Genomics provides gut bacteria profiling services at high depth with high precision to meet the needs of studying population genetics and microbial profiles in the gastrointestinal tract, in order to research into biodiversity within and interaction between these microbes and human bodies. Our 16S amplicon sequencing-based bacteria profiling protocol uses oligonucleotide probes designed to target and capture regions of interest – generally hypervariable regions of conserved genes or intergenic regions, followed by next-generation sequencing to meet the goals of efficient genetic variant identification and characterization by comparing against microbial databases and bioinformatic analysis. If you are interested in our amplicon sequencing service and want to find out more, feel free to contact us!


1. Zhang YJ, Li S, Gan RY, et al. Impacts of gut bacteria on human health and diseases. International journal of molecular sciences. 2015, 16(4).
2. Kelly D, Conway S, Aminov R. Commensal gut bacteria: mechanisms of immune modulation. Trends in immunology. 2005, 26(6).

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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