
Gut Microbiota-bone Axis Research

Gut Microbiota-Bone Axis Research

The human gastrointestinal tract is colonized by a dense population of microbes that form communities of bacteria, viruses and microbial eukaryotes, which are called microbiota. The gut microbiota is a critical regulator of body homeostasis of both intestinal and extra-intestinal environments, and the intestinal microbiota impacts virtually all systems in the body. The host-gut microbiota interaction has been focused on increasingly in recent years, and it is well known that gut microbiota contributes a lot to host physiology functions but a multitude of ailments.

Microbiota-bone axis generally refers to the impartial effect of the gut-associated microbial community or the molecules they synthesize on bone health including bone mineral density (BMD) and strength parameters. As is a key regulator of bone health, alterations in microbiota composition and metabolic activities may contribute to pathological bone loss, or reverse, bone loss may also be achieved by treatment with prebiotics and probiotics.

Direct and indirect effects of SCFAs on bone resorption.

Figure 1. Direct and indirect effects of SCFAs on bone resorption. (Zaiss 2019)

CD Genomics is a preeminent corporation that specializes in multi-omics. Equipped with state-of-the-art techniques and served by well-experienced scientists, we have extensive experience dealing with all kinds of difficulties you may have encountered in your research, and we will provide the most valid solutions to meet your needs. Our knowledge about the intrinsic mechanisms of the gut microbiota-bone interaction and potential therapeutic options for gut microbiota-associated bone degradation issues are just starting to take shape, and the current multi-omics era promises rapid progress at the global level towards mechanisms of how the gut-bone axis may be connected. We provide powerful tools to support your gut microbiota and bone research from the following multiple views:

Gut Microbiota Composition:

Gut microbiota is able to modulate skeletal development or skeletal involution through multiple mechanisms including generating certain metabolites and stimulating some types of hormone synthesis by the host in dynamic interaction. Alternation in the composition of gut microbiota may indicate the tendency of skeletal health conditions; lateral comparison of microbiota composition among individuals may as well uncover the intrinsic correlation between gut microbiota and bone homeostasis. We provide a wide range of technologies for gut microbiota composition profiling. Our specialty lies in multi-omics analysis mainly by state-of-the-art detecting methods coupled with bioinformatics analysis platforms. We provide all kinds of sequencing and gene array technologies to profile target sequences, (meta)genome, and (meta)transcriptome of all types of microbes, in order to offer the most comprehensive information on the microbiota composition of different individuals across gut-bone axis:

Gut Microbiota Metabolism:

Metabolites that is produced by the gut microbiota and diffuse from the gut into the systemic circulation provide essential approaches for the gut microbiota to regulate, so to speak, all the organs in the body. Take short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as an example, SCFAs are generated by fermentation of complex carbohydrates, have emerged as key regulatory metabolites produced by the gut microbiota, which play an essential role in osteoclasts and bone resorption, and bone formation processes. In addition to metabolites, structural components of gut microbes such as peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharide may also lay effects on the host organs. The metabolites are the medium between both microbes-host and microbe-microbe interactions, research into gut microbiota metabolism will undoubtedly bring more insights into bone care solutions.

We provide functional analysis of all kinds of intestinal metabolites and key substances by cutting-edge technologies including high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, mass spectrometry (MS) and many other efficient equipment, in order to investigate the physiological status of both the microbiota and the hosts, identify various potential biomarkers, map unique metabolome fingerprints of specific cellular processes, determine specific pathways, and unveil fundamental mechanisms of dysbiosis and related diseases.

Link with Fitness and Diseases:

There are various sub-health status, ailments, and diseases that may link to the gut-bone axis. Gut microbiota is a key regulator of bone health that affects skeletal development and skeletal involution such as osteoporosis that induces progressive loss of BMD. These processes might be altered by microbiota diversity and its metabolism, and the gut-bone axis is a complex and bidirectional modulation demanding to be clarified. We provide solutions including comprehensive multi-omics techniques, powerful bioinformatics, and a variety of model organisms to address these issues:

Potential Therapeutic Options

Novel approaches including probiotics, prebiotics, and fecal transplantation are all potential therapeutic options for abnormal bone conditions such as osteoporosis. In the search for treatment approaches, researchers could identify preferential probiotics that show beneficial effects in bone, and may also carry the studies under a more customized frame by exploring multiple factors and designing corresponding experiments. We have extensive experience and can provide you with multi-omics solutions related to gut microbiota-bone axis research.

CD Genomics dedicates to providing the highest level of service in gut microbiota research. We will offer the most suitable strategies according to your sample and research purpose. To find out more about the services we offer for gut microbiota and bone research, please feel free to contact us.


1. Zaiss MM; et al. The gut-bone axis: how bacterial metabolites bridge the distance. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2019, 129(8).

*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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